Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011: New Year, New Opportunities

Happy New Year everyone!

No new photo today but it is the beginning of the new year and it's time I jumped back on the band wagon writing for this blog.

2010 was a unique year and a lot of transition for me and my photography and more than anything else I was too busy to get a lot of the things completed that I wanted to. School and work take a lot out of the day but as a new year's resolution (one of my many this year) I resolve that I will write as frequently as possible on the blog. I'm going to focus on the growth I make with my photography. I'll be working as hard as possible to keep new focus on both my photography and my blog.

If you're a follower of any of the other photography blogs out in the wild today you will notice that a lot of the new year's resolutions include taking more photos this year and I'm no exception in this regard, I'm going to try and make a concerted effort to take as many photos as possible in the next 364 days.

I could write an anthology on all the things I want to accomplish this year but here's the quick rundown:

1. Take more photos
2. Take better photos
3. Relay the stories of those photos on the blog more regularly
4. Learn a new skill
5. Lose some weight! (don't we all say that? but this year is going to be different!)

That's it for the resolutions and the only thing I have left to say is that it's a new year with new opportunities and we can only seize those opportunities if we set goals for ourselves and do our best to improve ourselves!

I hope 2011 is a happy and blessed new year for everyone!

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Tallmadge, Ohio, United States
I'm Mike and I'm The Perpetual Hobbyist! I'm an avid home brewer, tinkerer, and traveler. Even though I work a 9-5, I always find time to indulge in my passions - even with a tight schedule. Join me as I make the most of my free time - learning and doing as many things as I can
